Trak Racer partners with Renault DP World F1 Team

Renault DP World F1 Team is pleased to announce a partnership with the world’s leading manufacturer of Racing Simulators, Trak Racer. The partnership aims to enhance performance and grow visibility in the competitive and increasingly popular world of Esports.

Trak Racer has developed racing simulators and mounts since 2008 and is now developing alongside Renault F1 engineers its most ambitious product yet, the TRX F1/GT Hybrid Simulator.

Renault’s Esport team, Renault Vitality, will have an advantage over global competition with one of Trak Racer’s existing Simulators now, before switching to the TRX Simulator when it launches for sale in Q1 2021.

“We are humbled and honoured to be partnering with Renault DP World F1 Team this year as we release our latest and greatest Trak Racer Simulator Model,” said Johan Akkerman, Global Marketing Manager of Trak Racer. “The 2020 F1 Esports Pro Series is hugely competitive and gaining a big following - you don’t want to miss it.”

“After 12 years in business, we are overjoyed to be partnering up with such a big and formidable brand,” said Matt Sten, CEO of Trak Racer. “We look forward to working with Renault and are eager to release more innovative products together in 2021 including our much-anticipated full motion system which will have the highest specifications and best value for money among any other system currently for sale.”

“By accessing Trak Racer’s experience and technology in racing simulators we are confident that our Renault Vitality drivers will have a clear advantage against the competition” said Antoine Magnan, Commercial Director, Renault DP World F1 Team. ”We look forward to the 2020 F1 Esports Pro Series and doing our best to win our first title. We are also pleased to offer Esports fans the opportunity to experience the same thrill in their private gaming.”

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